Wellness and Mentor Circle Facilitator Competencies
By Dr. Linda Myers
The challenge to heal ourselves as a people from centuries of dehumanizing abuse and trauma is quite an undertaking. We are honored and proud that you have stepped up to take leadership in facilitating the healing process through our wellness and mentor circles. As the African proverbs teach, “he who conceals his disease can not be cured”, and also, “when spider unite they can tie up a lion.” That you have taken up the challenge sets you apart in that you have not only acknowledged that there is healing to be done, you are making a commitment to be a leader on the path to the cure and process of healing ourselves and others. We must say that The Most High by whatever name known and the beloved ancestors are most pleased by your intentions to take the lead in our journey back to health and wholeness for our own sake as a people, and that of our children.
The further good news is that over the past forty years some of our best minds have been focusing on the diagnosis, treatment healing process, and ultimately the cure for what is hurting Black America, and, there is tremendous consensus among them around not only what must be done, but also the mechanisms of how to do it. Best yet, what has been discovered through evidence based practice has been researched and confirmed by historical records dating back to classical African civilization. The consensus is that a transformation of consciousness is needed, since at the core of what’s causing our dis-ease is our having taken on the worldview, values, and beliefs of our ancestors’ captors.